What's up with Jazzy Jam?

Well it’s been a while. Actually longer than a while. It is so crazy to honestly believe that I love to write because I literally stopped. With everything that is still happening with covid in general, like many people, I started to reflect on a lot of things that I really enjoy doing but for some reason developed some irrational fear about. Writing is one of them. It is so insane because I used to write ALLL of the time. Literally ALL of the time. I might share some young jazzy jam writings. I love to reread old things I have written. For one, it’s because I am honestly wondering what I was thinking, but than there are a few times when I humbly am impressed with myself and the thoughts that flowed out of my brain. I think the cool thing about writing is when you get into a groove and are free, sometimes you look back and question, Did I actually write that? Well young jazzy jam was a diary writer, emo poetry songstress and everything in between. Adult jazzy jam is still figuring it all out, but why not just start somewhere? It’s not like I bear my soul in front of a camera every day….. what’s the worst that could happen? :P


What’s so crazy is if you asked mini Jazzy Jam about 15 years ago what she was going to be when she “grew up” she would have said a writer. It was my absolute dream to be a published writer. There is so much that I have to say in this weird brain of mine and for whatever reason. I think I scare myself a little about what that means or what I have to say. But I think that is starting to be over now so thank God for that.:)

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I see so much beauty around me and I want this blog to be a space for me to share that beauty. I’m still ultra passionate about God, film, children’s programming, storytelling etc. but sometimes I really don’t know how to piece all of my thoughts together. So I’m going to use this space for just that. To piece things together.

Read. Skim. Look at pretty pictures. Escape in thought. xoxo

Jazzy Jam
